Each entry includes a link to the original "Recommendation Text", its Commission member "Votes", and its implementation "Status", and, where applicable, any "Related Bill" connected to the recommendation. If the "Recommendation Text" link is not available, please see the relevant
annual report for the full text of the recommendation.
Implementation Complete
The Division of Criminal Justice shall work with local community corrections boards to develop judicial education curricula for judges, probation staff, and other interested parties on the topic of local community corrections programs. Community corrections boards shall work with stakeholders including probation staff and judges to develop local curricula and determine the frequency of training. Each training program should include tours of local programs and should be tailored to local needs. The curricula should include at a minimum the following content:
• The purpose of community corrections
o Kinds of programs available and the target populations of each
o Role of probation and community corrections as a condition of probation.
• Board criteria for accepting/rejecting applications; clarify eligibility criteria.
• Profile of clients in community corrections
• Use of assessments in local programs and case management
• Description of Progression Matrix
• Length of placement/earned time
• Use of non-residential placements
• Sanctions and incentives used by programs
• Revocation process
• Management of special populations (behavioral health, individuals with disabilities)
• Monitoring practices
• Address local control issues and different board practices around the state for various topics
(e.g., victim issues)
Recommendation Text
Recommendation TASK FORCE: CommunityCorrectionsTF