Each entry includes a link to the original "Recommendation Text", its Commission member "Votes", and its implementation "Status", and, where applicable, any "Related Bill" connected to the recommendation. If the "Recommendation Text" link is not available, please see the relevant annual report for the full text of the recommendation.

Implementation Unknown
Establish a narcotics enforcement entity, the Dangerous Drugs Coordination Council ("the Council"), that facilitates and coordinates the sharing of information among law enforcement agencies across the state. The Council, to be housed in the Colorado Department of Public Safety, will provide a structure for collaboration, information sharing, and efforts to support local law enforcement agencies.
The Council:
- will coordinate strategic responses to emerging illicit drug trends, regardless of the drug type involved
- will orchestrate the implementation of an emergency medical service tracking and reporting system, the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP)
- requires one full time employee (FTE) to coordinate the meetings and meet the analytical needs of the entity. The position will be housed in the Colorado Department of Public Safety where it can benefit from the work of the Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC)
- shall include at a minimum, representatives from the following:
 > 1 Police Chief, rural district
 > 1 Police Chief, urban district
 > 1 Sheriff, rural district
 > 1 Sheriff, urban district
 > Colorado District Attorneys' Council
 > Colorado Attorney General's Office
 > Colorado Coroners Association
 > Colorado Drug Investigators Association
 > Colorado Dept. of Health Care Policy & Financing
 > Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment
 > Colorado Dept. of Public Safety
 > Colorado Bureau of Investigation
 > Colorado Information Analysis Center
- to facilitate coordination and collaboration, shall invite important Federal partners and stakeholders that include, but are not limited to, the following:
> U.S. Attorney's Office
> U.S. Homeland Security Investigations
> U.S. Postal Inspection Service
> U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
> Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
> Federal Bureau of Investigation
> Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
[No Proposed Statutory Language was prepared for this statutory provision.]
Recommendation Text    Votes    Status   
Implementation Unknown
Implement and require participation by public safety and public health personnel in the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) in Colorado. The Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area's ODMAP is an emergency medical service tracking and reporting system. To facilitate expeditious public health and law enforcement responses to save lives in Colorado, the following entities should be required to implement and participate in this program:
- The statewide ODMAP implementation will require coordination and leadership. The Dangerous Drugs Coordination Council (created in Recommendation FY20-OP #01) will be responsible for directing the implementation of ODMAP, including outreach to rural agencies, and facilitating statewide participation.
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Coroners, Law Enforcement & Emergency Departments (ERs)
[No Proposed Statutory Language was prepared for this statutory provision.]
Recommendation Text    Votes    Status   

Recommendation TASK FORCE: OpioidInvestigationsTF